How to continue dating during our time of social distancing

From March 31, 2020

Surviving the Holidays

Christine Baumgartner, a widow and professional dating and relationship coach provides an ongoing blog addressing the needs of widowers and their families as they try to adjust to the challenges of entering new relationships. Visit her blog at and and read her bio here.

How can you date if you can’t go meet anybody?

Christine Baumgartner and Tina Hull discuss the topic of dating online. They really want people to know  they can still date. In fact, some very positive things might come out of dating like this!

Dating is supposed to be fun! Look at it as an experiment in this situation and if somebody does really connect with you, great; if not- take your chance on a few people anyway.

Christine’s advice is to spend a lot of time to really get to know people before you get a chance to meet. It will take a little creativity, but not a big effort to not run out of things to talk about.

So, what are benefits of dating online? What can you talk about? And can you do some projects together over the video call? Learn all about it in the video below.


Yours sincerely
Christine Baumgartner
Dating and Relationship Coach
[email protected]

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On February 10, 2025

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